If you don’t know who Seth Godin is, many professional marketers consider him the “Godfather of Marketing.”  He’s published several books, including Permission Marketing and Purple Cow.  Two eye-opening works that have completely changed the landscape of marketing as we know it today. 

But why would he make such a bold statement?  

Well, as you already know, it’s getting harder and harder to get, let alone keep, a potential client’s attention as they’re scrolling on social media or shopping online.  You only have a few seconds to pique their interest, all the while competing with every other business in your industry.

So enter Content Marketing.  

Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.

Oxford Languages

More than stimulating interest, I would add that it powerfully demonstrates your authority in your industry, making a lasting impression in the minds and hearts of your target audience. 

They may not purchase from you right away, but they’ll never forget that impression you made on them the next time they see you online.

That’s the power of content marketing.  You’re establishing your brand and controlling the narrative of how you want your clients to see you.   

While you’re sharing valuable, entertaining content, they’re slowly and strategically becoming what I like to call, your “future brand ambassadors.”

When content marketing is done right, followers become fans and even promoters of your brand because you have provided something they want and need.

Beacon Media and Marketing

What type of content is considered content marketing?

Content marketing can include blog posts, videos, emails, social media posts, podcasts, e-books, and lead magnets. It’s the free or inexpensive content you share with your audience in exchange for their time and attention.

How to use content marketing to your benefit.

First, know that the main goal of content marketing is not to sell.  That’s direct marketing or interruption marketing.  Think of it as throwing content against the wall to see what sticks.  You’re basically selling to people who have no idea who you are; i.e. cold leads.

This type of marketing has its place, but content marketing focuses on building those relationships that feed into the long-term growth of your business.

You want your clients to “know, like, and trust” you and your business.

 So when it is time to sell to them, not only will they purchase from you, but they’ll recommend you to their family and friends. 

Thus creating the desired snowball effect for your business.

It takes work to get the ball rolling, but once you are committed and consistent with the value you share, you’ll soon see a snowball of amazing results.  I encourage you to start thinking about ways you can incorporate content marketing into your digital strategy today!

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Then give me a call or text today! 806-680-2462

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